If your favorite part of warmer weather is enjoying dinner and drinks on a patio, this one's for you! Here is everything your should consider before bringing your pet to a restaurant.
Potty Break First!
If you are going to be bringing your pet to a restaurant patio, be sure to walk your dog prior and ensure that they potty in an appropriate grassy area before entering the patio, especially if you plan on staying a while. While most patios are dog-friendly, the presence of urine or feces in an area where people have come to eat food is a genuine concern. If your pet happens to go on the patio, be sure to notify the restaurant staff so they can help ensure the area is cleaned properly.
Watch for Food Droppings
Food at a restaurant is a given, and it's important to be mindful of what might be laying on the ground or under nearby tables. When you arrive, be sure to check for any food that may not have been cleaned up after the last table and glance around at what might be under nearby tables, too. The last things you would want spoiling a day out with your pup is them getting sick from eating something too rich or toxic for dogs! A few common ingredients that are toxic to dogs include raisins, grapes, garlic, onions, chocolate, and avocados. Keep in mind that any rich, fatty foods such as cheese or any fried foods can cause stomach upset even if they aren't toxic to pets.
Keep an Eye On You Pet - Always
While it can be easy to get caught up in the food and conversation, it's crucial to stay vigilant in watching your pup to not only ensure that they aren't eating things they shouldn't, but that they aren't invading anyone else's space. Keep your dog close to you, ideally under the table or off to the side so they aren't in the way of any patrons or servers walking by, and on a leash at all times. Avoid letting your pet wander over to nearby tables - even if your pet is friendly, not everyone will welcome their presence and we don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable.
Be Courteous to Your Neighbors
It's important to note that visits to the patio should be reserved for dogs with excellent manners. Some behaviors that are frowned upon include barking, whining, begging for food, or any other vocalization, jumping up on people or chairs and tables, urinating/defecating in inappropriate places, or aggression of any kind, including growling, lunging, or biting. If your pet gets over excited or overwhelmed in loud or crowded places, has issues with being around other dogs in public, or has anxiety with any of the above, it is best to leave them at home. Visiting a patio together should be a relaxed and calm experience for the dog, the owner, and the other restaurant patrons.
Keep Them Busy
It is typically not permitted to feed your pet from your plate at a restaurant, but that doesn't mean your pet should have to go without a snack! To give your pet a fun treat and give them something to do while you eat and socialize, bring a frozen Kong that your pet can quietly enjoy. Try not to bring anything that might be too messy, and ensure that you have cleaned up after your pet if necessary.
Be Mindful of Temperatures
It's important to be mindful of the weather, as dogs handle the heat differently that we do and even shaded patios can something be too hot for pups. Ideally, any patio you bring your dog to is either covered or shaded to avoid direct sun. During warm weather, opt for dining times that occur outside of the hottest part of the days (or even better, once the sun goes down!) and be super aware of concrete temperatures. If you plan on being there a while, or have an older dog who finds it uncomfortable to lay on hard floors, cooling mats can be purchased at pet stopes or online to provide a cooling cushion layer between your pet and the floor.
Remember to Hydrate
Regardless of the temperatures, be sure that your pet has a chance to drink water beforehand, and be sure to give them fresh, clean water after. If possible, bring a portable dish and water for them to have at their leisure while you chat and eat. The warmer the weather, the more essential accessible water is for your pet!
Keep Your Pet Tagged and Leashed
We recommend that all pets be microchipped and the registration information is kept up to date. Additionally, as always, whenever your pet is out in public, we recommend keeping them leashed and wearing a collar with an identification tag. If for any reason your pet should get away from you, you will want someone to be able to easily identify them and contact you!
If you have any questions regarding this information contact us at 972-347-6100.
Click here to schedule an appointment. https://connect.allydvm.com/practice/prosper_trail/appointment_request
